Thursday 2 June 2016

Surfaces. Ideas for Paintings

      It is excellent if you have lot ideas in your head and then here is any problem to be ‘stuck in’. But if any thoughts are coming, but a feeling of making the art is still in the air? There is an one option. Look carefully at surroundings. Many things that are well known do not offer a suggestion, because of notoriety itself and our behavioural predictability. We have used to live by same patterns every day. Therefore might be good to view at the environment from different angle by dissecting what we see.

     Take a camera and walk around the house. Think what a surface do you see?

     I had walked around the house, have went in the garden many times and spent hours walking in the city on weekend. Either my photo camera travels with me on holidays, where are lot possibilities to capture different surfaces of buildings, streets. 



Digital photo; the surface of
a glass; I.G.

      Most important is that every surface has got hidden meaning. When we are looking at the subject front of us, eyes are seeing only first meaning. I guess, that our minds are very thirsty, hungry, or busy emotionally and physically, or simply are in a not good ‘mood’. By such negative circumstances the brain shows limitation only about the world of recognition. When we are looking at something like with a reading glasses, we see differences.

Digital photo; the surface of a splash of a colour on a wall; I.G.
       Every surface is multi integrated as involves a texture, time, proximity and a individual perception of seeing. A particular surface (for instance, grass, a wall, a table and etc.) can have more than one surface has got itself. Transformation is the key to understand surfaces and to analyse it by involving our own critical thinking. 


Digital photo; the surface of a building; I.G.

     Taking photos of surfaces inside the house and outside, have expanded my visual understanding and gave new ideas, where to find the inspiration, if I would ‘lose’ it. Having enough photos we can re-create them using a computer’s programs. Digitally made results are new ideas for paintings. They could not be revaluation of the materiality of the transformed surface only, but show the integrity of the personal, emotional world. 


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