Saturday 25 June 2016

Illustrator's Bethany Walrond Talk

   The talk of the illustrator Bethany Walrond was launched twice, visiting her studio in Berlin, Germany and attending it at the University of Worcester in 2016.

    ‘Heart of Darkness Illusions’ for food illustrations

    The young artist, age of 22, who graduated in 2015, left UK and woks in Germany as a freelancer, -  the most challenging job that highlights a lot unpredictable things and demands to have a strong, flexible, persistent personality.
    Bethany Walrond being young and energetic shared her experience honestly revealing her a view of point about the illustration market, professional values and a work process that becomes an inseparable part of her life.
    Her illustrations have been made for editorial briefs and they are appearing in magazines and newspapers. Nor she is living in Berlin and has started to widen her German language knowledge, but her clients are English and American, what points that most important is a working attitude rather that local language itself. She revealed an idea that most important is a personal character and commitment for what we love to do. 
   Optimistic being of the mind plays a vital role in freelancing, because sometimes you have got projects and sometimes not. Bethany Walrond states that every day must be spent valuable on the bias of making illustrations. ‘If you do not have a job, you must make at least one illustration per day, because it keeps you on the professional track and you mind will not been stuck later in the statement ‘I cannot do it at all’.
    Walrond can make 50 thumbnails per day. It seems like an inspirations for her comes itself, but she gains it from the photography, because taken photos have got a lot nice compositions, lines and shapes and give new ideas for illustrations.
   The illustrator's visual images have not right proportions and it creates her recognisable singularity.  Human’s heads are small without facial features, bodies are big and bold as well as hands with fingers reminding pitchforks for a viewer. These details reveal positive distinction and make the artist’s illustrations special. Avoidance of necessary compositions rules allows to have interesting visual images those are smart blended with good arranged colours pallet. Her distinctiveness attracted clients like newspapers, magazines (‘The New York times’, ‘The Wall Street Journal’, ‘The Telegraph’, ‘The New York Times‘) and business companies Brusells Airlines‘,Barclays Bank‘.

Editorial for  ‘Sir Magazine‘, 2015

      ‘Most important to have balance in the life’, - says the artist. - ‘Because when you are happy you can make.’ By her agenda, her time goes for a working process (she works in morning productively) and on weekends she is having the rest spending nice moments in parks for drawings or having just fun. 
    Returning to her working origins, she remembered that first illustrations were made in the living room on the sofa; it was frustrating to be without a table, but it did not influence in her passion to give up freelancing. Right now she is renting a studio space and it is best way to work when the private life and the work are separated. Being surrounded by other nice professionals from business, design fields it gives satisfactory, positivity and a right self-valuation.
     The artist Bethany is working in terms of the process with the computer graphic programme ‘Photoshop’, because it has been a very effective way to change compositions, match colour pallet. 
    Before starting to work digitally, she does an initially writings about further drawings. Then comes visual ideas including witless as well. It helps to build perceptions about potential outcomes as every idea is relevant and expands thinking.   
     The illustrator does not deem having a personal statement, as she states, and it is still in a process of the development. Despite of that she remains to be the freelancer and has got ways to make her illustration process easier. 
     For instance, knowing that her drawings are not well, she uses ‘cut and paste’ handy and a wide range of techniques of monotype, the brush pen creates painted  engrossing characters. The scissors helps to get right shapes, mix media gives ideas for illustrations’ layers in compositions and everything goes in to the computer programme ‘Photoshop’.

Editorial for  ‘Sir Magazine‘, 2015

    By Bethany Walrond a self-promoting is essential if you are a part of entrepreneurial field.  Withstand competitiveness of others helps own persistence to send e-mails constantly for potential clients and upgrade them periodically. Might be good to have at least one social good working platform, nor she has got a ‘Twitter’, ‘Instagram’ and ‘Facebook’. By her a built the website should have easy navigation as people wish in one ‘click’ to have everything and better if it is simply. Also it is good way to work with charities to promote own illustrations, nor it is not payable.
     The illustrators’ case has shown that most important are self-confidence,  having a strong personality and willingness to work. Hard working expands skills and allows to be outstanding. Geographical territories might expand a quantity of clients also (it is useful to learn other foreign language), however the key is personal values that define the life and work. Lack of mental and physical resistance might do not help to establish thw illustrator career, but  those who chose this profession of the illustrator should remind that  it has been selected following by an unity of heart and mind.
      For being a successful entrepreneur, we need to divide time rightly for actions that strengths to build the career. It is good to have few social medias platforms, a website with artworks, regularly e-mails for clients are worth. Students should practise drawing skills every day, do not finding excuses for not doing it.

Editorial for ‘Hunger Magazine’

    By business experts to work one year is not enough for building success. There must be spent five year at least, because in the process is possible to see what works and does not, because mistakes teach right actions and a view of point. Much of the stability comes from the appropriate life routine, optimistic believes, endurance, nice personality what has been demonstrated by honest illustrator Bethany Walrond personality.

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