Sunday 5 June 2016

Future Without Bees


      Making further research about bees I have found out some new statements that caught my attention. 

     Bees are vulnerable and they have not a strong immunity system comparing them with other beings of the nature, says the science. Most warning is that bees are oozing out rapidly. This first phenomenon has been set in USA, in 2009. At present a problem of vanishing divine creatures is found across Europe and it is an alarming signal. 

      Accordingly to a one mass media information portal it has got a name Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), but real reasons are unknown. I would believe it comes from using pesticides and having increasing pollution that harm biosystems. Humans by their actions are changing climate globally and when one hand is building, other one is ruining.  It is known that most of consumed fruits and vegetables depends on the pollination of bees. If bees are going to disappear as a part of the nature, we will lose the important, natural source of vitamins and minerals.

    Some of ‘prophecies’ had been made by the theoretic physicist Albert Einstein’s  in 20 century. They are warning us that  people might tend to live without bees only four years and it is danger reality. Most sadly is that the world lives in a circle of material consummation and we do not rebuild the right balance between our needs and renovation of physical resources.

     However, the science is working on a large engineering project about creating artificial bees that will be able to replace natural bees. These ‘new’ insects will be robots with complicated electronical systems and the data having capacity of natural bee’s functions to detect a nectar, pick up it and reproduce the honey at hives.  Thus is a plain possibility to use such kind of bees for watching strategic objects in wars actions and dangerous objects, for people's rescues, monitoring a road traffic, climate research and etc. Bees-robots’ hives are going to be stations of loading and updating bees. The scientific facts brightens prospect of the future predictions.
      We should protect the nature more and teach children actively about the positive impact on the enviroment because of the bees’ vanishing issue.  


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