Saturday 18 June 2016

Illustrations and Appropriation & Adaptation of 'Alice in Wonderland'


     I have watched different ‘Alice in Wonderland’ video versions to make illustrations. 

Illustration ‘Alice in Wonderland’; Version 1; I.G. 

      They differ not only in the way how they have been presented, but fully meet the fairy-tale’s metatextuality itself. Production – animated illustrations – present obvious diversity of drawings, interpretation and targeted viewers’ audience. If one animated presentation is adapted for young readers based on the original Carroll Lewis’ writing and tells story step by step about Alice adventures falling in a rabbit hole, then other versions might be more interpreted by individual artist’s view of point and more fit for teenagers and/or young adults.
       Whereas the wonderland is the world of dreams and incredible things that might happen, in sake of a boundless imagination of the artists there exist various kind of unexplained phenomenons that have got a right form in the visual art. The infinite fantasy reflects the artistic unconstraint and imparts inexhaustible ideas to make illustrations.
      ‘Alice in Wonderland’ meets the mystical (when a character acts influenced by supernatural forces) realization of the text. Fantasy is united with imagination and it also can play an evolutionary and social psychology cognitive function, to be analyzed as the source, revealing a manifestation of feminism in the 19th century and overlooked in terms of present, as well as being an interesting example of the personalities of the formation of identity.


     Alice’s adventures are illustrated based on dreams, daydreams and memory showing a fantastic reality. A main character’s (the girl) is transformed from a normal to a monstrous and vice versa, there is granted supernatural power (tears becomes the sea). Birds and animals speaks, argue and act as a sociable individuals even a human beings. They may also be transformed into a material substance (flamingos are croquet bats) or fade (the Cheshire cat able to even fly). Various details (flying cap, bottle with liquid, cake and etc.) serves as an aid to a strong visual illustrations exchange situations, strengthen the element of fantasticality. 

  Illustration ‘Alice in Wonderland’; Version 2; I.G.

      The girl portrayed with loose hair, but wearing an apron. Loose hair reflects the maturing of femininity and sexuality, but the apron symbolizes childishness. An appearance in illustrations are mix of the child and young women leaving her to question a viewer about her identity.  
      Realizing that the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is the story about the girls adventures, the transformations with its collision with obstacles are visual reflected in illustrations.
      The rabbit illustrated wearing masculine clothing attributes. A hat, vest makes him significant, the clock that he has got represents running time and manage Alice’s journey.
    The Cheshire cat is drawn leaving for cats their common characteristic such as fondness and an independence, as well as providing new features, reflecting the personality frantically to mischievous crazy with a  too broad smile. 

 Illustration ‘Alice in Wonderland’; Version 3; I.G.

    The wise worm is slightly changed to human being with attachment of smoking pipe. Here the blue color represents masculinity, strength and authority. It represents masculine society that educates what is appropriate and acceptable womanhood in eyes of man.
     Flowering white roses are red, because they are painted and the card deck from paper substance is transformed into human beings with heads, hands and feet. All those details allow for illustrations to exhibit artists’ freedom, unpredictability and attraction. 
Anuliuoti pakeitimus.

Jūsų indėlis bus panaudotas gerinant vertimo kokybę ir gali būti anonimiškai rodomas naudotojams

Kanagi iliustruojant Alisos nuotykius, remiamasi svajoniu, sapnu ir atminties pasauliais, rodoma fantastine realybe. Pagrindinio veikejo (mergaites kunas transformuojamas i normalaus i monstriska bei atvirksciai, suteikiamos antgamtines galios (asaros tampa jura). Pauksciai ir gyvuliai kalba, samprotauja ir veikia kaip socialus individai tolygus zmogiskajai butybei. Jie taip pat gali transformuotis I materialias substancijas (flamingai – kriketo lazdos) arba isnykti (Cesyro katinas geba net ir skraidyti). Ivairios detales (skraidanti kepure, buteliukas su skysciu, pyragaitis ir etc.) tarnauja kaip vizuali stipri pagalbine priemone iliustracijose sustiprinti situaciju, istorijos elementu fantasiskuma. Mergaite vaizduojama palaidais plaukais, bet su prijuoste. Palaidi plaukai atspindi brestanti moteriskuma ir seksualuma, bet prijuoste simbolizuoja vaikiskuma. Kandagi istorija yra apie girl’s adventures, transofrmacija, tai collision with obstacles visualiai atsispindi iliustracijose. Triusis iliustruojamas devintis vyriskos aprangos atributika.Skrybele ir liemenme ji daro solidziu, o laikrodis – reiksmingu, atspindiciu begancio laiko fenomena ir valdanciu Alisos kelione po stebuklu pasauli. Cesyro katinas piesiamas paliekant siems gyvuliukams budingas savybes (meiluma meilumas ir nepriklausomybe), taip pat suteikiant naujus bruoza, atspindinti paselusia asmenybe per siek tiek beprotiska, placia sypsena. Viksras vaizduojamas siek tiek adujes nuo rukalu ir melynos spalvos. Cia melyna spalva reprezentuoja vyriskuma, jega ir autokratiskuma, vyriska sociumo puse, kuri aukleja, teigia, kas yra tinkamas ir priimtinas moteriskumas. Zydincios baltos rozes tampa raudonomis, nes jos yra dazomos, o kortu kalade is popierines substancijos yra paverciama butybemis su galvomis, rankomis ir kojomis.
     Strongest and light shocking watched movie of others to me is the animation ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by the artist Jan Svankmajer. His Alice represents surrealism and post-modernism culture, events are like nightmares with the rabbit cutting others with a scissors violently. Alice is a narrator and a participant at the same time. When she sleeps, she encounters uncomfortable situations trough adventures. The adult life is difficult, less attractive that childhood, because of needed to solve problems and it is inevitable, then we observe odd, somehow violently situations.
    There is also association with the political ideology of planned economy in Check Republic (1955 - 1993) as the movie ‘Alice in Wonderland’ had been created in late 80’s by Jan Svankmajer. The girl is surrounded by food, because it reflects the artist’s planned economy (like soviet) regime’s feature to hold people underfed and this way is controlling people influencing bodies negatively and affecting spirit.  This version of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ provokes analytic thinking and adaptation of idea that generally accepted perception of truth does not exist or the obvious, well know truth about something might transform into fiction or to reach absurd statements becoming nonsenses.  
     It shows that the visual art is able not only to convey meaning of symbols and text, but to speak about policy, reflect the contemporary world in a presence of the monumental time, to mirror the destroying consumer culture and assert classical values. 

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