Tuesday 7 June 2016

Review. The Illustrator Frank Robert Hunter Talk

Robert Frank Hunter, animated drawing 
        Who inspires us in the high competitive world, where somebody is better, more successful and faster reach the desirable, payable stage with the recognition? While values are changing, demands are rising faster than twenty year ago, the under pressure is so strong, that we can be easily lost without a mental, physical energy, and without the inspiration. The statement ‘Be inspired by yourself in this mad world’ fits for the illustrator Robert Frank Hunter, who had the artist talk which I visited.
       A kind, radiant energy a  young men launched the talk for illustration students being really good prepared for the event. The visual maker surrounded by a presentation about his career, illustrations and sketchbooks, had appeared amazing.  
      The speech was well structured exhibiting an every career stage descriptively and covering the illustrators’ Robert Frank Hunter university time till nowadays. Artists’ talks, when they share more than is expected with a reveal  of details about their work and life, show real personalities and make them significant by its certainty and integrity. Sharing own experience with others makes a person stronger, has got an equal feedback and gives meaning in the life context.
       Robert Frank Hunter has started his first steps in illustration field being the student in the illustration course.  He was interested in printmaking, screen, and relieve printing, etching. Exploration of techniques did not only strengthened his knowledge ‘kit’, but became an creative extension.  
      The illustrator Frank Hunter participated in the ‘Macmillan’ children book competition and had won 2nd price of the award. It helped him to get commissions to make other project.  Activity and productivity are stable keys for the success what exhibits Hunter’s example.
      However, there is hidden own abilities and they are different, because we cannot be practically good at everything. If we are, then we are well known next day after presenting only one artwork for the public, whereas for genius unity of a form and a content is easily achieving. The life has an opposite way. Hard working and inner motivation helps to move forward to achieve desired results, but it takes time.
     Not everything went smoothly for the artist. His life has been divided in two parts. Being hired by the advertisement Frank Hunter experienced the very though life agenda and faced contradictions of own and a client’s values.  Strong resistance helped to be on ‘the track’, but there were a lot unhappy moments. Sometimes given briefs might contradict personal values, but the professionalism should be objective giving a resistance to complete tasks.
      The artist showed illustrations made for an advertisement.  Drawings were created attractively with harmonious colours. Whereas this job made a breakthrough for Robert Frank Hunter, then here came a second part of his life. The advertisement was abandoned by the illustrator. He spend one year for his findings, thinking what he really wants to do. Being as the photographer making for living, he had experimented making drawings using different techniques in his spare time.
       Most energy, efforts and an individual investment takes for Robert to create an animation ‘Bouy’. The project is still in progress and it is going to be made in the future.
       We have seen a lot drawings, sketchbooks and many panels with amazingly done job, what whispers us only one: ‘draw, draw, not matter what happens, just draw!’
       The artist made his first comics book ‘The New Ghost’ about the afterlife with his artistic touch of the mix of the mysticism and poesy. There had been drawn a lot of drawings and it showed his real devotion. Twenty full drawings through one day, what is extremely impressive, dear Robert!
       Equally for us have been introduced images from the book ‘Maps of Days’. The visual story is about the person interaction and concession with time; made in screen printing.  Well compositions, narrative drawings, smart arrangement of colors show perfection of the book.
        Creating storyboards takes a huge amount of hours, but, as Frank Hunter mentioned, most important is to have them by deadlines, nor it might be impossible: ‘(…) but you must pretend that is opposite’.
      The artists talk gave me new thoughts about the illustrator career and was really nice to experience Frank Hunter’s sincerity and honesty as well as to know that chosen artist’s life way is full of dedication, hardworking, high resistance and faith that we live not for nothing. It simply means that we must be inspired by ourselves and it is the artist Robert Frank Hunter example. The reality can be undertaken taking care of our inner dreams and the wish to share them with others. All the best for not giving up artists!

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