Thursday 16 June 2016

Drawing 'Journey & Intersections'

Drawing ‘Journey & Intersections’, mix media; I.G. & Pelin Peker

     The drawing ‘Journey & Intersections’ was made in collaboration with Pelin Peker, the student from the KOC university in Istanbul, Turkey.
     The idea to make an illustration about a light megapolis came from a collaborative projects’ essence itself. Being participants form different countries – Turkey and United Kingdom – we represented its’ unity at the sight of the world.
     It brought thoughts to develop a concept showing that the time and the distance do not impact physically. People from different countries are same in connection of social, policy events; we share same values, dreams, make same things and have same trust. The alliance creates an integral bond and has got the co-operation significance.
      Whereas both our cities are not in the same geographical place, we decided to develop an idea about a journey from Worcester to Istanbul or/and vice versa. There has been presented the development of the light, youthful, energetic movement.
     The final image was made by shifting not finished drawings for each other to develop farther visual meaning.
    First drawing adduced a suggestion to make the city. We thought what kind of features we should have to get a right direction of the idea. By swapping drawings the image gradually got more meaning how we imagine the united megapolis.
     Our illustration’s focal point exhibits the train, which goes thought the bright, happy, smiling city. Added drawings from each part describe the visual journey and become the rigid view.
    There have been employed felt pens drawing, etching, gauche, watercolour paintings and collage as well as computer graphics programmes.
    The piece of the work communicates about energy that is a main basic engine of humanity and combination of colours highlights it.
    Main opposite colours – yellow and purple strengthen the impression by its’ complementary and the contrast. Orange and red colours espouse the balance and convey vibrancy, warmth of the piece. A blue colours speaks about freshness of the day of cities. Left white places around drawing elements allow to breathe for the whole illustration.
     I and my partner Pelin Peker, had nice moments working together by sharing the collaborative work and we contributed our inputs to intensify universal human values, especially the piece, unity and tolerance in the context of the world globalisation. 

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