Saturday 28 May 2016

Wizard In The City Town

Wizard In The City Town. The World Of Bees 
      One day, when I walked to a city town, where I live, I have seen a beekeeper staying outside a university. He was wearing a high impressive beekeeper's 'costume' , waving his hands 'do not cross here because of bees!'. I was amazed by his appearance and distracted nicely. The beekeeper really did not fit for a place (it was in the centre of city!), but he somehow related skylights surroundings with the nature.  Then I remembered my childhood, forests, lakes and bees. 'What do I know about bees?' - came a question and I did small research about it.

    After turning a page after a page of different information sources, I have found a lot interesting facts and information about these smart insects. Also I have remembered that my forester grandfather hold 80 hives in his property and was the best beekeeper in a district. He loved bees and bees loved him back, then the grandparents’ house was full of honey whole year.

    In terms of why is useful honey, there can answer the science, especially medicine, mythology, ethnic music of nations in the world.  There is close relation with the bees’ life as it shows how important is this insect, who only one of other kind of insects makes food that people can consume.   

     Firstly, bees gather nectar for honey from different plants. Honey itself has got a lot useful health components for people, included vitamins, minerals, enzymes.  It has a healing power and we can bay a lot bees’ products.

      For instance, a product called ‘Milk of Bees’ or ‘Royal Jelly’, which contains 65% of water and 35% of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, hormones and etc. biotics has a healing feature for people, who have got a weak immunity system, especially recovering after hard illness or operations. Also it regulates the autonomic nerves system with a primal impact to a brain vasculature, improves memory functions and the vision, and helps to medicate the heart failure. A cream ’Milk of Bees’ is used in dermatology and cosmetics.

     Secondly, scientists have conducted a research which shows that bees can be an important part of future medicine. Whereas bees use their smell to find nectar, they are able to determinate cancer after training. This fact gives a hope for human beings to beat hard illness and extend the life.

     There I would like to mention Lithuanian mythology that has lot symbols of bees and ethic music of bees’ motives. Lithuanian folk songs – weddings, war and labour songs – mention bee as synonymous of loyalty, diligence and fertility. Lithuanian mythology has the goddess Austeja, who took care of the bees, plants and flowers from which is collecting honey. Bees and their ancient goddess Austeja were respected highly and a wood, which settled bees were sacred. Also there was an event of Austeja designed fest, celebrated in mind of August. The goddess Austeja was considered as symbol of family as well as a patron for serious and reserves women. There can be added Lithuanian proverbs, showing how important were bees in the nation mentality: ‘Who loves bees, gets love of the Good’, ‘Diligent as a bee and smart as a fox’, ‘Bees without a mother – lost children’.

     The above mentioned data show that the bee phenomenon is relevant not only for researchers of the past, but also is important in the present context. Facts, discovery, songs and mythological aspects indicate that these insects are not reproducers of high valuated honey, but there is a tie-in with the story of humanity, cultural heritage of the nation, scientific achievements and other aspects of life.

     Who was the seen beekeeper in the city town by me? The simply men doing his job or the wizard of the nature, who back me warm memories and encouraged to explore indirectly the world of bees? In all cases everything what happens with us is meaningful.




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