Sunday 29 May 2016

Remembering Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Exhibition 2015

Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Exhibition 2015


      We have a very great summer around us with a nice feeling of warm, piece and joy. Looking at the blossoming of flowers I remember the Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Exhibition in 2015.

      The event was held in the Hive, Worcester, on 14 October, 2015.  There could be found a lot interesting illustrations that accommodated uniqueness of artists' touch, humor pouring out of each picture.

       Sadly, I had no time to make notes for myself. But few of them I got exploring great ideas with their own life being exhibited visually.

       The exhibition listed best winners such as Roisin Swales, Hannah Blackman-Kurz, Reza Dalvand, Roisin Swales, Reece Wyekes and others.


Illustration by Roisin Swales
       Firstly my attention was drawn by a funny cat (the image above) made by the illustrator Roisin Swales. It might be obvious that I could spot again a smart simplicity of the character, breaking common understanding about shapes, proportions. The character's appearance was speaking about uniqueness. Shining like sun, having funny face the cat is gorgeous without any doubts!
Illustration by Reza Dalvand     

       Secondly I spotted blended decorative drawings by the illustrator Reza Dalvand that echoed white-black and colored photos. Tiny lines, playing with patterns and a rich color chart spoke about detailed, nice images helping to convey the visual story. The curiosity of the illustration is a reversed image. Reflection of a boy surrounded by stylized  trees is made in a full pallete of colours while the boy is appearing from the monochromatic visual surface. Usage of a  different angle looking at life can really impress a viewer!

      And a next artwork, that 'drew' my attention, was with weird (in a positive way) creatures like scare ghosts with great humorous made by the artist Hannah Blackman-Kurz. Having sense of painting the illustration had good balance of
Illustration by Hannah Blackman-Kurz

     Surrounded by a lot different displays and almost running to be in a other place, I was looking at them very closely with a main basics questions 'why these artworks won?  What should demonstrate the artist like me and like you  for the world to be listed on 'golden' winners lists? Do they make a particular piece from first attempts like great past artists Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, or Pablo Picasso, or  illustrators  had spent a lot time for designing, arranging and looking for a best final image to be presented? And if 'yeas', how we can describe the art itself?...'  I definitely do not have answers, but questions allow to grow, explore and think.  Best wishes for these great winners, who were best in the Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Exhibition, in 2015!

     The Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Exhibition gave a lot cheerful moments to discover a flow of best pictures book, extended my visual knowledge of illustration and had imparted ideas for own development. This is a main reason, but not last, why I like to visit exhibitions.




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