Tuesday 31 May 2016

Painting and Writing Poem 'Night'

             Acrylic, gesso, gouache painting, mix media; I.G.

Nothing was left. Nothing.

My feeling will go

To the distant horizon

Not written

In stars.

 ‘Good Bye’ will not burn

The heart.


Nothing was left. Nothing.

Only the distant way

To the horizon

And my pain

Such big,

Flamed and

For nobody.



Magic of A Shoes Box. Illustrating Childhood

       Let’s say we have bought very fashionable or  simply nice shoes and a  box is going to be thrown. My advice is negative. The shoes box can became something else - an interior design detail or a toy for you child!   

       Having the empty shoes box, there had been made a special visual surprise with added illustrations.

      The box was painted with acrylic colours with adding bit a trace of white gouache. Afterwards, I added a window (cut out with sharp blade on the mat) and a full moon, looking at a viewer through the window. The moon is bit sad as he thinks that his childhood went, nor he is not alone with paste-cut stars.

Acrylic, gouache painting,  watercolours pencils, felt line, collage ‘The Shoes Box.
My Childhood’; I.G.
       Whereas the box cover is part of the box itself, when it is opened, gives a space to make something inside.
       I made a 3D paper cut character – a girl. She is in her room, happy and bright making drawings. Warm feeling of happiness is highlighted by the smiling sun, that was drawn a same size as the moon and glued over. Furniture pieces were made from a paper as well and glued on the board. Two pillows are made from felt textile. A strange picture hanging on the wall is cut from a items catalogue and decorated with a textile lace. White, translucent flowers symbolize purity of  childhood, innocence of a soul and it was made from a textile guipure material.
3D paper cut, acrylic, gouache painting, felt line, watercolours pencils, collage ‘The Shoes Box. Inside’; I.G.
      In the foreground I have put an illustration using watercolours pencils and blank ink lines. Then the image was cut and glued on the background joining the table.
      The whole picture exhibits blended reality and imagination. The girl is happy, still living in her childhood, making drawings. Birds are poetic symbols of the harmonious family in the illustrated composition.    

Watercolours pencils, ink; The Illustration ‘Happy Childhood’; I.G.
       Use a ‘magic shoes box’ idea to decorate your surroundings, involve a child in this magic to make it together or surprise somebody with the handmade artefact. As the box is with  the adjustable cover, you can close it and then only the moon will be looking at you…  

Opinion Of 'When We Were Young...'. The Artist Brian Wildsmith

        Watching BBC TV Programme ‘When we were Young…’ my attention was drawn by the illustrator Brian Wildsmith.  Although, a lot range of artists from 19th century till nowadays were mentioned in the educational video about roots and a development of the children illustration as unique picture story makers, but most what I found out interesting in  is a bright sigh of the artist Brian Wildsmith talent, who approaches the illustration as painting in what I have mine private sentiments.   
        Looking at the book Animal Gallery  (2008) by the artist Wildsmith, I  could feel  an energy of a colour.  It might be said that his personal statement (‘style’) is a blend of the expressionist with the realistic style input. Bright, strong and playful mix of colours gives a visual illusion of movement. To achieve it with success here have been employed mixed medias as watercolours techniques, chalk and pen drawings on the colour scales. Tigers, birds and fish exhibit their ‘wild’ emotions with soft features of humans being.  Emotional expressions are shown through the eyes, gestures or trough rendered shapes and are very narrative.


Wildsmith, Brian. Animal Gallery (2008). Oxford University Press, Oxford OX2 6DP
     One steam of his books pictures stories are dedicated for the  age at 3 – 6 year old group audience.
     For instance, the book Cat on The Mat and Friends (2011) from the same age audience fascinates by carefully planned design in terms of a composition and typography. There are lot expressions as well and a text is supporting visual images by describing what happens with a creature.  The tiger roars  ‘ssspppst!’ for his friends, who are leaving him alone. The world is unknown, but created by the artist. it widens fantasy of a growing up child.
      A design of a bee, butterfly and bird drawings have not unnecessary details and do not decompose a viewer attention. Features of creatures are strengthening by painted pattern and it is simply adorable! The similar might be mentioned about a tiger and a hippopotamus:  they are childish naïve, warm and declare unique usage of watercolours.
Wildsmith, Brian. Cat on The Mat and Friends (2011). Oxford University Press, Oxford OX2 6DP
     Books mentioned above help to develop cognitive behaviour of children and introduce a manifestation of the world. 
     The book The Easter Story (1993) bit differs with the theme as a subject matter and it might be adopted by an older group age (6+). Here is talking over about the religion matters and drawings have a lot details, patterns and a semantic connection between angels and peoples.

 Wildsmith, Brian. The Easter Story (1993). University Press, Oxford OX2 6DP
     The artist Brian Wildsmith boosts creativity sides of children leading them to feel joy of life, gives visual surprises and a strong element of play. Every picture has got something notable, attractive and breathers energy.  Not all of us are filled with a strong inner energy, but we all want to have it, because this boost the life itself as a creative engine. It is worth to say that the artist Brian Wildsmith is one of the artist, who is pleasant to read visually and learn a lot from his artistic experience.



Monday 30 May 2016

Switching Art to Crafts. Creative Options

 Switching Art to Crafts. Creative Options

      Trying to refresh myself, I have found an interesting field of crafts. Employing art and design elements, using an imagination and hand making approach it might be useful to create something not usual for an illustrator and a fine artist.

       I made a product design for textile jewellery. It was fun and exciting way to boost own creativity.

 Broach 'Look'; Mixed textile medias, decoupage; I.G.

       An idea to make a broach 'Look', came looking at the sunset outside my window. Last radiation in the sky, saying 'good-bye' for the world. You never know what is waiting for you a next day. If you believe in positivism, a next day might surprise and make you happier than today. 

Broach 'Lady'; Textile medias; I.G.
       In my imagination appeared the novel 'Bel-Ami (Dear Friend)' written by French writer Guy de Maupassant in 1885.  If I could comfort the hero, helping him to undertake his inner suffer and to soft his existence by giving this soft textile broach 'Lady'!

Broach 'Tenderness'; Textile medias, decoupage; I.G.

     White and black balance, always are lines between life and death. To make the broach 'Tenderness' I did on-line research looking at the famous actress and singers in the past. When I saw this beautiful face, immediately came a wish to monumentalize a sense of fragile, but positive feeling of tenderness.

        Adding for yourself other interests’ fields, it gives options to expand your creative world.