Monday 4 July 2016

Infectious Examples. Freelance Illustrators Talk

     I have visited three illustrators, who work as freelances in Berlin, Germany and carefully looked at their everyday challenges for better understanding what does it means to be freelance artist.

     For everybody of them – Ella Cohen (Kookoo), Edith Caroon and Bethany Walrond – proactivity is the success of their illustrators’ career. Energetic, with a great smile and positivity, they make their dreams come truth. Freelancers’ job involves a lot points of thinking, planning, doing creative and entrepreneurial activities. They develop own personal style drawing continuously and having positive mind for surviving.  

     Youngest of illustrators, Bethany Walrond, she makes fifty sketches per day and states that if you do not have a brief to work on, you must make at least one illustration, because ‘it does not lift down your spirit as well as you strength skills’. She always is updating her social platforms with her illustrations and sending e-mails for potential clients consistently to be noticed and get commissions.

Bethany Walrond, ‘San Antonio’ Magazine, ‘City Park’
      Extremely productive examples of hard working personalities might be illustrators Edith Caroon and Ella Cohen. Ella is challenging herself to make one hundred drawings per day.  Most successful projects are those, which are made very fast. She is fully engaged with self-advertising and posting information about herself for clients.
      The freelancers Edith Carron’s distinctive style is really simple, because of use line drawing and coloured pencils; her view of point is to draw without thinking about perfection.
     Edith Carron, ‘Daily Blip’
     The illustrator was very active while she studied (was making posters and sold them). After graduation she participated in the France Art Festival, making new relations with people and selling her artworks. Later, she had participated in a one fashion event with her printed illustration on models’ dresses. It shows, that Carron is not only living from commissions, but also collaborating with other artists and entrepreneurs to make her success.
       Ella Cohen works with screen-printing mostly; she knows that her characters are well and she says, that students should relay on what they are doing best. Edith Caroon encourages to draw extensively and put images on social media platforms to get known.
     When the day of freelancer is facing, they are approaching it really seriously. Ella Cohen (Kookoo) and Bethany Walrond are renting studios with other people. Separation of the private life and thinking about time management is very useful as well as having breaks and holidays. ‘When you are happy, you can make it well’, - said Bethany Walrond. Getting to the studio every day, finding clients, making self-advertising, marketing are harmonized with breaks at parks, museums making drawings. As illustrators mentioned, it is important to know in what we are best, to work with an own style and develop it. Finding the time to build the career while young people study it might be very useful.  Some of them still are making posters and sell them, are participating in festivals with drawings, creating new entries in their blogs. All these steps are helping artist’s name stands out, because for everything to do takes time and establishment.
     Ella Cohen (Kookoo) did Master of Art degree in illustration being as the journalist. It helped for her to improve the composition, graphics design skills. First commissions came from the journalism and it shows that when we are incorporating our interests’ fields, hobbies or past experience in the illustration what pays back.  
Ella Cohen (Kookoo), ‘Golden Cosmos’
    By Edith Carron saying thanks to animation knowledge, she is able to make animated drawings and put them in video platforms to be noticed better that those artists, who have not animation skills. Bethany Warlond works mostly with paper-cut technique and digitally as it economises times and allow to change what you cannot do handy. 
    Being freelancer includes a lot communication and working with potential clients, art directors.  It is powerful to write e-mails adding own works, make drawings and post them to agents or clients and do it regularly. Three is very good to keep updating blogs, artist’s websites other social media profiles as well.
     Certainly, summarizing what each freelance is doing, there is a lot self-organizing, multi-tasking activities with well sorted, prioritized values, what makes freelancers to establish themselves in the career. These great illustrators are optimistic infectious to follow and make dreams come truth.

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