Wednesday 10 August 2016

Writing Poem 'Untitled' & Making Picture 'Julius Caesar'

Acrylic painting, collage ‘Julius Caesar’; I.G.


You looked at… – ‘fun!’

And clicked ‘like’.

Thus masses of people

Meet virtually.

Nobody needs anything –

While you are so handsome!

I do not sleep at nights…

I watch… crimes.

That teddy bear ‘like’.

I like when I hear your voice:

Poplar fluffs surrounds me

With a gentle presence…

But you talk about a work,

So must speak; it is solid,

But invited citizens

Do not mean it at all.

Crimes… calm down…

I look on crimes…

Hundreds thoughts

Were drawn on pages…

When you smile for millions

You are for all and everybody.

I put into the drawer

A lot of feelings.

You do not pronounce ‘like’ –

To become authentic is scary…

I will weep out for a pillow

How are (my) bears… unrequited.


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