Monday 3 February 2020

Digital fine art painting 'Something is Here' & F.Scott Fitzgerald

Digital fine art painting ‘Something is Here’, I.G.

 ''Youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.''

F. Scott Fitzgerald 

(1896 – 1940)

Digital fine art painting 'Bit of Love' & George Sand

Digital fine art painting ‘Bit of Love’, I.G.

'The artist vocation is to send light to 

the human heart.'

George Sand

(1804 – 1876)

Digital fine art painting 'I See Sunflowers' & Anne Bronte

Digital fine art painting ‘I See Sunflowers’, I.G. 

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring and carried

aloft on the wings of the breeze.’’

Anne Bronte

(1820 – 1849)

Digital fine art painting 'The Skye Over Us' & Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

Digital fine art painting ‘Skye Over Us’, I.G. 

                    ''Nothing vanishes if it once was.'' 


Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

(1893 – 1967)

Digital fine art painting 'Flowers Wish' & Boris Pasternak

   Digital fine art painting ‘Flowers Wish’, I.G. 

              “Art always serves beauty, and beauty is 
              the joy of possessing form, and is the key 
         to organic life.

         Boris Pasternak

        (1890 – 1960)