Monday 14 January 2019

Mix Media Painting 'Bit There, Bit Here' & Andrei Tarkovsky

Mix Media Painting ‘Bit There, Bit Here’, I.G.

“Substitution . . . the infinite cannot be made into matter, but it is

 possible to create an illusion of the infinite: the image.” 

Andrei Tarkovsky

(1932 – 1986)

Mix Media Painting 'Time for Philosophy' & Umberto Eco

Mix Media Painting ‘Time for Philosophy’, I.G.

"What is life if not the shadow of a fleeting dream?"

Umberto Eco

(1932 – 2016)

Creative Media Painting 'Songs and Towers'' & Ernest Hemingway

Creative Media Painting "Songs and Towers'', I.G.

‘’We are all apprentices in a craft where 

no one ever becomes a master.’’

Ernest Hemingway

(1899 – 1961)

Abstract Painting 'Light' & Boris Pasternak

Abstract painting ''Light'', I.G.

‘’What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough

to embrace the whole truth: life always spills

over the rim of every cup’’.

 Boris Pasternak

(1890 – 1960)