Sunday 23 April 2017

Mix Media Drawing 'The Man' & John Sloan Dickey

Mix media: gouache, felt pen, pencils ‘Hi?’, I.G.

''The end of education is to see men made whole, both in competence

and in conscience.''

John Sloan Dickey

(1907 – 1991)

Friday 14 April 2017

Painting, Mix Media 'Philosophy of Time' & Alan Watts

Painting, mix media ‘Philosophy of Time’ by I.G.

‘A myth is an image in terms of which we
 try to make sense of the world.’

Alan Watts

(1915 – 1973)

Oil Monotype 'Siberia. Faces' & Maxim Gorky

Oil monotype ‘Siberia. Faces’ by I.G.

‘You can’t do without philosophy, since everything has its hidden
meaning which we must know.’

Maxim Gorky
(1868 – 1936)

Drawing 'Desert' & Leo Tolstoy

 Pencils Drawing ‘Desert’ by I.G.

‘It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.’

Leo Tolstoy

(1828 – 1910)