Thursday 1 December 2016

Poem 'He' & Painting

Painting ‘Untitled’; I.G.



Time passes by me.

What it is traitorous times season!

Yesterday the sun purred, but today – the winter…

Laughers sounds he passes trough me

Without feeling soft Spring fragility!

Heart? Who asked her? Unfortunately –  no!

The heart with blood aches sharply

Without the possibility to have the right to live.

Ieva Gudonyte

30.11.2016 – 01.12.2016It covers by blood sharply aching

Without possibility to have the right to live.

Skambiu juoku jis per mane praeina

Pavasario trapaus Å¡velnumo

Taip ir ...nepajautęs.

Drawing 'Philosphy of Time' & Albert Einstein

 Drawing ‘Philosophy of Time’; I.G.

‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.’

Albert Einstein

(1879 – 1955)

Craft Option. Broach 'Mozart Requiem' & Sophocles

Broach ‘Mozart Requiem’, textile medias; I.G.

‘One word frees us of all weight and pain of life:

That word is love’.


(498 C – 406 C)